This local business can create and design an app for you - KSL

October 01, 2020

This local business can create and design an app for you - KSL

Apps are amazing things. With an icon the size of a fingerprint, you can reserve theater tickets, replenish your wardrobe, order dinner for the family, schedule appointments, pay your bills, or even pass the time popping virtual bubble wrap. (Why not?)

For business owners, apps have become essential tools for taking their marketing to the next level. Whether you own a corner coffee shop or a beauty spa in the heart of town, Forbes highly recommends developing your own mobile app.

Online business-to-business review platform Clutch agrees that having an app may be just what you need to expand your customer base while retaining existing customers.

“If you have a strong online presence and you have complemented that experience with an app that your customers can download to their devices, you can increase your chances of securing a high ROI,” writes reviewer Rajdeep Bose, CEO and co-founder of Nat IT Solved.

But when you’ve got a business to run, developing an app on your own may feel like a Herculean task—unless you’ve got someone who can do it for you.

That’s where AppsTango comes in.

Through advanced engineering and cutting edge design practices, AppsTango has been helping businesses (both old and new) build state-of-the-art apps to forge meaningful connections with customers.

Here’s how AppsTango can help you get your app idea off the ground.

Fast turnaround time

Since apps will only help you generate revenue once they’re accessible to customers, the developers at AppsTango work to get your product in the app store as soon as possible.

Providing excellent customer service with guidance along the way is key to making this happen.

“AppsTango is highly responsive, flexible and delivers on time,” said one customer.

“Working with AppsTango Provides that additional benefit of human involvement in the process of building valuable applications. It’s terrific working with smart people who adjust quickly and provide high quality applications, especially when our requirements are complicated,” shared Amber Alert GPS, another AppsTango customer.

Experienced, certified iOS and Android developers

If you’re not well-versed in the complicated language of app development, have no fear. The experienced developers at AppsTango are certified iOS and Android developers, meaning they’ve got you covered for all your mobile app needs.

This is important because the Android and iOS operating systems are each programmed in different programming languages. (This biggest difference is that iOS apps run on Objective-C / Swift, while Android apps run on Java. In case you were wondering.)

Local support

When you work with a big name company, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. Since AppsTango is a Utah-based company, you’ll receive a more intimate and personal experience. You will be assigned a dedicated project manager, who will be your primary point of contact throughout the development process.

Since needs vary, you have the option to engage with AppsTango on an ad-hoc basis for support, or set up a monthly retainer if you’d like more frequent communication and service. Whichever option you choose, AppsTango is committed to helping you get the best value for your money.

Over time and as your business grows, you may decide to bring your development in-house. Not only does AppsTango support you in that process, but they plan for it. Helping you spread your wings and fly is what they do best.

Reducing your business risk

The AppsTango code is built upon popular frameworks used by many of the best teams in the world. For example, they use the React Framework for many projects, which is the same framework used by Facebook. Provided they are used correctly, these frameworks provide rules and conventions that give consistency to the work that developers create.

This means that even if the AppsTango offices get swept away in a freak Utah hurricane (anything can happen in 2020), your work is protected. Skilled development teams around the world can pick up where they left off. Not only does this significantly reduce project risk, but it should offer some peace of mind.

Additionally, AppsTango version-controls their code using an industry-standard tool called GIT. Essentially, this allows you to save your work as you go. At key milestones, developers can save their progress and GIT will remember all the file changes that form each save-state. GIT provides a history of who has worked on what, and when, which enables multiple people to safely work on a project at the same time.

Got an app idea? We can build it!

Small to medium-size businesses can extend their customer reach and market opportunity by creating a mobile application for their business. Published apps in the app store provide a way for businesses to extend their services and presence to their customers’ phones and generate more service and revenue potential.

If you’re ready to start ramping up your business and see the results for yourself, contact AppsTango today and let them bring your vision to life.

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